
Check all the legal procedures for importing cars

Since childhood we have idealized obtaining certain items, and one of them is having your own “dream car”. However, it’s not always easy when it comes time to finally own him, especially when there’s a possibility he might come from outside the country.

This is influenced by several reasons, sometimes the value ends up frightening, other times it is not even available in Brazil, but today we came to say that there are solutions! Your vehicle can be purchased abroad and come to you in Brazil.

Of course, turning a dream into reality wouldn’t be the simplest task, would it? And that’s why we separate tips and information of great importance to enjoy the advantages of this import process that foreign trade provides.

Continue reading this article and see the legal procedures and all its processes!


It all starts with a plan…

Before taking any action, the first tip that is valid to say is the financial analysis. This means that making cost estimates, verifying that the import   and how much you will be willing to invest are considered the first step.

The acquisition of an imported vehicle has bureaucratic processes that are considered somewhat complex.

Due to the diverse aspects and the current legislation, doubts become frequent, but rest assured that after finishing this reading it will be possible to understand exactly what needs to be done.


Can anyone import cars?

We believe that this is the first question that arises when it comes to this topic, so we have already said that: it depends.

Individuals and legal entities can import vehicles, but it is necessary that they meet all mandatory issues and have all the required documents at hand.

Regarding mandatory questions, we have already mentioned that first you must be properly enabled in Radar.

There is also a differentiation for individuals and legal entities. The individual may import, however attentive to quantities, as this will determine whether it is considered a commercial practice or not, its importation must be unique and exclusive for consumption and own use.

For imports as a legal entity, know that it is necessary to link to your CNPJ a CNAE of related activity, which may have a main segment and other secondary ones, as long as they have a link.


What is needed to import vehicles?

To align all bureaucratic issues there are some bodies involved and each of them with their requirements in documents.  We separate a list to facilitate the understanding of each item:

  • DECEX (Department of Foreign Trade Operations), SECEX (Secretariat of Foreign Trade), the Ministry of Development and SECINT (Special Secretariat of Foreign Trade and International Affairs) are responsible for carrying out the analysis of your application and granting the Import (LI);
  • SENATRAN (National Traffic Department): SENATRAN is the body that will issue the so-called Certificate of Adequacy to the National Traffic Legislation (CAT);
  • IBAMA (Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources): with IBAMA it is possible to issue the License for the Use of Vehicle or Engine Configuration (LCVM);
  • RFB (Receita Federal do Brasil): the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue is the one who checks if the data in the Import Declaration (DI) are compatible with the goods, as well as checking the documents that were gathered and if they fit within the legislation.

There are also some cases considered particular, for which consents involving other bodies and regulatory agencies are also required:

  • ComExe (Army Command): used to obtain consent in cases of importation of armored vehicles;
  • ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency): this is required in case the vehicle is equipped with medical, dental and/or hospital articles and/or equipment;
  • Mapa (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply): for this agency, consent is only required in cases of importing tractors.


And closing the account, is it really worth it?

This is also a variable issue, depending more on who is importing. Knowing that the desired car is close to reach often causes impatience to arise and unlike buying directly from a store, importing takes an average of 60 to 90 days. But it might be worth the wait and pay less.

After that initial tip of financial organization, it’s time for import payments. This must be done in Brazil through the closing of exchange, being mandatory this format even if the buyer is abroad and finalizes the deal in person.

And here comes the question of the need for financial support, as it will be necessary to pay for the vehicle abroad and its expenses in Brazil, in order to nationalize it.

One of the things that most alienates those interested in importing and the importation itself is fear, due to the lack of information on the subject.

Questions such as the fact that individuals can also import vehicles, or even the fact that there can be significant savings are information not so easily found and not so obvious to consider.

With the amelioration of the pandemic and the return of economic activity, the import market heated up again, becoming a great tool to obtain desired items from other countries, which also opens a space for good negotiations. Therefore, the advantages do not always seem obvious.

In fact, another important tip is that the consumer has the proper judicial protection as an ally, thus guaranteeing the right to non-incidence of the IPI, which already favors the reduction of the tax burden and avoiding falling into possible scams.


Interested in knowing more about importing cars? Count on Open Market!

Open Market has been in the market for over 22 years, bringing smart solutions for foreign trade management and now also actively working in the sports vehicle import niche.

Contact us and talk directly to our experts. And to learn more about everything that involves the world of foreign trade, follow the blog and follow our social networks.

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Open Market – Foreign Trade